Our Group

Member Companies of Our Group:

  • Agri-X Global Ltd   Group of companies working to grow agricultural produce by powering the small and marginalised farmers of the developing and growth economies
  • Agri-Thrive Global Ltd   Growing the opportunities of small and marginalised farmers through agri-cation, access to markets, simplifying the value chain and improving production volumes centred on a digital ag-tech market place
  • Agri-Biomass Global Ltd  Agri-cating the opportunities of disposing their farm waste in the recycling energy and connecting them to biomass off-takers, reducing greenhouse gas emissions and pollution, whilst increasing their income
  • Agri-Capital Global Ltd  Sourcing and providing much needed capital at affordable prices
  • Agri-Logistics Global Ltd Connecting the dots for in-put suppliers, producers, off-takers (wholesalers and exporters)
  • Agri-Resources Global Ltd  Investing in equipment (EV Tractors, bailers and mowers), processing and warehousing
  • Agri-Trade Global Ltd  Trading globally to ensure better margins for small and marginal farmers whilst impacting food security
  • AGG Agri-Trade India Pvt Ltd  Growing an agri-specific trade alliance with producers and international importers
  • Agri-Thrive Holdings Ltd Holding Company
  • Agri-Imports UK Ltd UK importer and distributor of spices from India
  • Agri-SRD Global Ltd Social Rural Development Bond for agricultural equipment, infrastructure and special social impact projects
  • Agri-Structure Global Ltd Partnering with warehousing and processing plants
  • Agri-Cation Global Ltd Relationships with universities to create agricultural universities
  • Agri-Logistics Global Ltd Freight handling, forwarding both local and international